
Early warning issued for 269 bird species in trouble, many in Pa. -

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has included 269 bird species, including many found in Pennsylvania, in its “Birds of Conservation Concern 2021” report.

The birds represent high avian priorities for the service and will be the focus of cooperative research, monitoring and management actions that can directly or indirectly affect migratory birds with the help of international, federal, state, tribal and private partners.

“This report serves as an early warning indicator for bird species in trouble and will help stimulate the collaborative conservation action needed to bring back declining bird species well before they become threatened or endangered,” said Principal Deputy Director Martha Williams. “Almost 3 billion birds have been lost in North America since 1970, and this scientific information will help focus conservation efforts where they are most needed.”

The species that appear in the report include migratory bird species protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act that the service considers to be in greatest need of conservation attention.

The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act directs the service “to identify species, subspecies and populations of all migratory nongame birds that, without additional conservation actions, are likely to become candidates for listing under the Endangered Species Act.”

The conservation assessment was based on several factors, including population abundance and trends, threats on breeding and nonbreeding grounds, and size of breeding and nonbreeding ranges.

The service previously issued a similar report in 2008.

In releasing the report, the service noted that inclusion on the list does not automatically lead to consideration for listing under the Endangered Species Act.

The birds on the list that can be spotted in parts of Pennsylvania are black-billed cuckoo, common nighthawk, eastern whip-poor-will, chimney swift, king rail, yellow rail, American golden plover, upland sandpiper, whimbrel, Hudsonian godwit, marbled godwit, ruddy turnstone, dunlin, buff-breasted sandpiper, pectoral sandpiper, semipalmated sandpiper, short-billed dowitcher, lesser yellowlegs, least tern, short-eared owl, northern saw-whet owl, belted kingfisher, red-headed woodpecker, American kestrel, black-capped chickadee, Bicknell’s thrush, wood thrush, evening grosbeak, grasshopper sparrow, Henslow’s sparrow, seaside sparrow, saltmarsh sparrow, yellow-breasted chat, bobolink, eastern meadowlark, rusty blackbird, golden-winged warbler, blue-winged warbler, Prothonotary warbler, Kentucky warbler, Cerulean warbler, prairie warbler, Canada warbler, rose-breasted grosbeak, scarlet tanager and American oystercatcher.

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June 22, 2021 at 04:02PM

Early warning issued for 269 bird species in trouble, many in Pa. -
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