DEAR JOAN: Now that the seasons have changed, should I adjust how I feed the birds in our yard?

I have put out black oil sunflower seeds and wild bird food since early spring. Together with a birdbath, it’s been quite popular. Is there danger of the birds staying with a dependable source of food and missing their opportunity to migrate? I put out seed and suet sporadically last winter.

Also, should I make cold-weather adjustments for the hummingbirds? Should I bump up the sugar concentration in their drink and reduce the amount we set out because it won’t be consumed as fast? I’ve read I shouldn’t keep the same batch out for a long time, although we’ve done so in the past, but it doesn’t appear that I need to protect their drink against chilling overnight. I was concerned about their bodies having to warm up icy nectar.

Mike Bailey, Pleasanton

DEAR MIKE: It’s important to know that no matter how easy the food is to find and how delicious and nutritional it is, it can’t overcome a bird’s natural instinct to migrate. Keeping your bird feeders filled all year won’t change that.

All birds migrate, but not all of them travel hundreds of miles. The Bay Area is home to a number of birds that are considered year-round residents, although they do migrate to other areas of the bay in search of food and shelter.

Although our winters are mild, food can be scarce for the birds. There are fewer plants in flower and fewer insects around, so if there ever was a time to cut back on feeding, it wouldn’t be winter.

It’s not that the birds can’t and won’t survive on their own, but they can use the help of supplemental food during those times. For seed-eaters, bird seed that is higher in fat content serves them best in the colder months. Birds use more calories keeping warm and hunting for food. Black oil sunflower seeds, hulled peanuts, nyjer and white millet seeds are all good choices, as is suet.

As for hummingbirds, many migrate out of the area, but the Anna’s hummer is a permanent resident. There’s no reason to fiddle with the sugar content in the nectar you are feeding. The four parts water to one part sugar formula works any time of year. People sometimes sweeten the mix to three-to-one when hummers are leaving or returning from migration. It’s not recommended, but it probably isn’t harmful.

The increased sugar, however, won’t save you from needing to change and clean the feeders regularly. If you aren’t seeing many hummers and don’t want to mess with the process, it’s fine to bring the feeder in or, if you have a few, just put one out.

The important thing to know is that the birds will be fine, with or without our help. But what can be more cheering than seeing small birds hopping and bopping in our yards or in neighborhood trees? A little seed is a nice thank you to them.

If you don’t want to use bird feeders, consider growing plants that produce nectar or seeds that the birds like.

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