Recent bird sightings reported to Mass Audubon:
The recent warm weather brought a summer tanager to Harwich, a hooded warbler to Martha’s Vineyard, a white-faced ibis to Concord, and a number of blue-gray gnatcatchers.
Berkshire County: In Pittsfield, a snow goose at Utility Drive and two long-tailed ducks at Onota Lake. A chimney swift in Great Barrington, two sandhill cranes in New Marlborough, and 30 evening grosbeaks on Windsor Bush Road in Plainfield.
Bristol County: A Louisiana waterthrush in Dighton, single blue-gray gnatcatchers in Westport, Fall River, and Dighton. In Fairhaven, 25 American pipits on Shaw Road, five pectoral sandpipers on Shaws Cove Road, and two clapper rails and a saltmarsh sparrow.
Cape Cod: Clapper rails at South Cape Beach in Mashpee, Town Neck Beach in Sandwich, Bell’s Neck in Harwich, Crosby Landing Beach in Brewster and the Herring River in Wellfleet. An indigo bunting in Orleans, a little blue heron, two pectoral sandpipers and a summer tanager at Bell’s Neck, 12 red crossbills at Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, and a sooty shearwater and six Atlantic puffins offshore at the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary.
Essex County: Lesser yellowlegs, four semipalmated plovers, a pectoral sandpiper, an American bittern and a blue-gray gnatcatcher at Plum Island, a cattle egret, a rose-breasted grosbeak, and Baltimore oriole in Rowley, two lesser yellowlegs in Ipswich, a continuing eared grebe in Marblehead, a blue-headed vireo at Crooked Pond in Boxford, and an orange-crowned warbler in Gloucester.
Franklin County: A caspian tern in Gill, a Northern goshawk in Orange, two sandhill cranes in Ashfield, and 14 red crossbills in Montague.
Hampshire County: Great egrets in South Hadley and Lake Wallace in Belchertown, seven sandhill cranes on Radiker Road in Worthington, an American bittern in Hadley, and a blue-headed vireo at Hampshire College in Amherst.
Martha’s Vineyard: Ten semipalmated plovers in Edgartown, an Eastern whip-poor-will on Chappaquiddick, and a hooded warbler on Aquinnah Circle in Aquinnah.
Middlesex County: A white-faced ibis, four glossy ibises, and a solitary sandpiper at French’s Meadow in Concord, a thrush at the Middlesex Fells Reservation, a green heron in Arlington, and two red-necked grebes at Sandy Pond Beach in Ayer.
Nantucket: A willet at Nantucket Harbor and a Lapland longspur at the Tom Nevers Fields & Playground.
Norfolk County: Three blue-winged teal at McCarthy Park in Medfield, a Louisiana waterthrush in Westwood and a Louisiana waterthrush at the Blue Hills Reservation, two sandhill cranes in flight over Lake Massapoag in Sharon, and a blue-gray gnatcatcher at Squantum Point Park in Quincy.
Plymouth County: An Eastern whip-poor-will in Plymouth, a thick-billed murre at Manomet Point, two willets at Ellisville Harbor in Plymouth, single ovenbirds in Duxbury, Pembroke, and Marshfield, three sandhill cranes and an American bittern at the Burrage Pond Wildlife Management Area in Hanson, a ruby-throated hummingbird in Plymouth, and a Lapland longspur at the Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary.
Suffolk County: Two gadwalls and a black vulture at the Belle Isle Marsh Reservation in East Boston, two redheads at the Chestnut Hill Reservation in Boston, two sandhill cranes in flight over the Arnold Arboretum, a pileated woodpecker at Forest Hills Cemetery, and two snow buntings and an Iceland gull at Deer Island.
Worcester County: An Eastern kingbird in New Braintree, three black vultures in Athol, a late snow bunting at the Bolton Flats Wildlife Management Area in Bolton, a snowy egret in Rutland, and a chimney swift in Westboro.
For more information about bird sightings or to report bird sightings, call Mass Audubon at 781-259-8805 or go to www.massaudubon.org.
Isabela Rocha can be reached at isabela.rocha@globe.com.
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Bird sightings from Mass Audubon - The Boston Globe
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